Swami Sivananda Saraswati - The most generous yogi that ever lived (1887-1963)

He studied medicine and became a physician of the highest rank who knew even more than the most experienced doctors of his times.

He worked in and managed a hospital in British Malaya (Malaysia) for ten years and was known to provide free medicines to the poor and needy.
In 1923, he left his medical practice to dedicate his life to the service of others  and became a great vedanta and yoga teachers of our time.
He founded the Divine Life Society, the Yoga-Vedanta Forest Academy and shared his life's teachings in his spiritual texts.
He believed in a simplistic life and helping people. One of his great teachings is to “Serve, Love, Give, Purify, Meditate, Realize”
On 14 July 1963, he left his mortal body at his 'Kutir' near river Ganges in Sivananda Nagar but his knowledge and wisdom will shine eternally.
He brought into this world the concept of spiritual healing of mind-body-soul with the help of Yoga and spirituality. 

Some of his great quotes are:

"Forget like a child any injury done by somebody immediately. Never keep it in the heart. It kindles hatred. Cultivate friendship, compassion, mercy, love and forgiveness."

"Develop good manners, extreme politeness, courtesy, etiquette, good demeanour, nobility, gentleness, mildness. Never be rude, harsh, or cruel. There is nothing to be hated in the world. Hatred is ignorance. All contempt for anything or being must be removed through love and enquiry."

"Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success."

"Go beyond science, into the region of metaphysics. Real religion is beyond argument. It can only be lived both inwardly and outwardly."

"Always do good to others. Be selfless. Mentally remove everything and be free. This is divine life. This is the direct way to Moksha or salvation."

There are many more pearls of wisdom in his texts. You can read more about him and his teachings on The Divine Life Society website
