A Man who Saved Over 200 Lives from Suicide

The Real Life Guardian Angel...

You might have admired the Golden Gate Bridge of San Francisco but sadly it is also a site where many suicides take place.

One California Highway Patrol officer has been fighting against this problem since long.

Officer Kevin Briggs has personally talked more than 200 people down from the bridge rail in his 23 years career.

In 2013, after retirement, Briggs wrote a book called Guardian of the Golden Gate and now goes on speaking tours to advocate for suicide awareness & prevention and help businesses learn crisis management. 

Out of the hundreds he talked with on the bridge, only two have jumped. As he told San Francisco Chronicle, "I've talked to people from ten minutes to seven hours. I very much despise losing. I do whatever I can to get that person back over the rail." 

Briggs’ story and experiences have been featured in The New Yorker, Men’s Health and People magazines, several national radio and television shows. He also presented a TED Talk at the Vancouver, B.C. conference.

Before his Golden Gate duty, Briggs was in the army for three years. He was discharged when he was diagnosed with cancer. He beat the cancer and joined law enforcement as a correctional officer.

He is father of two boys and lives in the San Francisco Bay Area. He himself has fought  depression as while dealing with heart issues and divorce.

During his tenure at the Golden Gate Bridge, there used be 4 to 6 suicide attempts every month as well as multiple traffic collisions, and other law enforcement calls.

Briggs had not taken any formal training on suicide prevention but he has become such a renowned expert because of his experience that he trains many corporates and even helped train the FBI.

He's been called 'a true American hero' by Robert Gebbia, director of the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and is among the country's most active speakers in promoting crisis management, leadership skills, and suicide intervention and prevention worldwide.

His TED Talk has over six million views. More Americans die of suicide than homicide every year and 9% of Americans are dealing with depression at any particular time. Depression is also the leading cause of disability for Americans age 15 to 44.

In his book Guardian of the Golden Gate, Briggs shares his experiences with the help of people who credit their lives to him.

"I know that every ten days or so, someone walks on the Bridge and never comes back" writes Briggs. He had no proper training on suicide prevention but he had his own share of losses, as well as severe health problems, grief, and depression, to teach him. His experience in Army training and as a San Quentin correctional officer also taught him to read people and situations.

Kevin Briggs aims to promote mental illness awareness and ultimately break the stigmas associated with it. By reading his book, you can join him in that pursuit. 

Suicide is preventable. 
There is hope. There is help.

Wanna buy his Book on Amazon: Click here
Watch his TED Talk here
